What’s On

We love getting into God’s Word together, and also sharing our lives, seeking to love one another.

The main time that we do this is on Sunday mornings, but this is just the start. There are plenty of other opportunities to get involved in church life and spend time together.

Life Group

Starting at 7.45pm each Thursday, we meet in each other’s homes, enjoying time together, opening God’s Word, discussing and praying together.

Get in touch if you’re interested.

Fellowship Lunch

On the first Sunday of each month, immediately after our 10:30am service, we have lunch together. Anyone is welcome to join and share food and conversation.

Men/Women’s Socials

Regular social meetups are organised by the men/women at Emmanuel with no set agenda other than to get to know one another better.

Get in touch if you’re interested.


Each month, on a Friday afternoon, Emmanuel members spend time in Keighley centre, getting to know people, giving things away and seeking to share the message and love of Christ.

Get in touch if you’re interested.